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Keep Myrtle Beach Beautiful celebrates Earth Day with park clean-up

Keep Myrtle Beach Beautiful held its annual litter clean-up event on Monday, April 22, 2024, to celebrate Earth Day. (Credit: Will Dinkel/WPDE)
Keep Myrtle Beach Beautiful held its annual litter clean-up event on Monday, April 22, 2024, to celebrate Earth Day. (Credit: Will Dinkel/WPDE)
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Keep Myrtle Beach Beautiful and dozens of volunteers gathered at Withers Swash Park Monday morning to celebrate Earth Day.

The organization held its annual litter removal event to beautify the area.

RELATED: Grow, compost & recycle: Things to do to celebrate Earth Day at home

Withers Swash Park includes several city parks and recreational areas, a boardwalk, open spaces and road easements—all of which were cleaned up during the event.

Keep Myrtle Beach Beautiful provided trash bags, safety vests and easy-reach grabbers so all volunteers had to do was show up.

It fills me with so much love and pride that we get to be here outdoors on this awesome day celebrating Earth Day," Brooke Vu, Ms. Myrtle Beach and volunteer said. "We're also planting flowers. So, we're not only removing the litter and making it a better-looking place, but we're also beautifying it as well with these beautiful flowers.

Organizers said they gathered almost 300 pounds of trash during the event.

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